Archive for October, 2018

Too Many To-Do Lists? Here Are 5 Strategies to Help You Complete Them

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5 Strategies to Help You Complete To-Do Lists

Ah, to-do lists, Google calendar pop-ups, and sticky notes, those self-imposed sources of stress, and potentially pathetic symbols of our triumphs, they do tend to keep us aligned. With so many things to do in a day, who on Earth can remember everything! Unfortunately, the mere idea of keeping to-do lists is much more appealing than actually completing any of the “musts” from the list, isn’t it? Sure. What usually happens is that those lists either get overwhelmingly long or we get so exhausted that there’s no force powerful enough to make us go forward with completing any of it.

Something to consider: Let’s Talk Legendary Limo Rentals Folks!

If you are one of those enthusiastic people who wake up every day hoping to complete their to-do list, here are 5 ways that will help you on that mission:

Limit It to Five Things a Day

There’s no magic in this number that’ll make completing of your tasks easier or quicker: the idea is to limit yourself to a smaller number that’s more realistic to complete. If you make a to-do list of 15 tasks, you’ll get stressed throughout the day as you begin to realize not all 15 tasks are possible to tick off. Plus, even if you’re done with the majority of them, you’ll still feel like a failure for not completing them all. So, start with five or six things a day, and move onto bigger numbers if it turns out you are superhuman.

Check this out: 4 Things You Are Missing When You Are Not Booking a Limo

Distinguish Truly Important Tasks from Those That Are Not

If you still decide to go with an extensive to-do list, learn to prioritize. Establish symbols to make completing of the tasks more efficient. Use A, B, C, D, or E (or any other symbols you like) to organize.

Make sure you prioritize depending on the consequences of not getting your tasks done instead of on what you feel like doing that day. This approach should give you structure.

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Divide It into Sections

Some tasks just go easy together so, instead of wasting time and energy on running around like a headless chicken, lump similar tasks together for an easier completion. Plus, it’s not just about “the same type of tasks”; no matter how focused you are on something, it’s evident you’ll get interrupted by a phone call, a colleague, heavy traffic or God knows what else, eventually. And, what’ll that do? Just make it more difficult to get back “in the zone.” As a result, you’ll take much longer to complete your tasks.

Rent a Limo

Wait, what? Let us explain, this makes sense.

Whether you’ve got your own car or not, renting a limousine service to help you complete your to-do list may just be one of the most efficient ways to approach things. Sure, renting one on a daily basis might make a dent on your budget, but big things that need completion are definitely worth the luxury, especially if some of them include picking someone from the airport, hopping from a business meeting to a business meeting, or getting from one side of Chicago to the next in a jiff, safely.

Chicago’s finest limo service Legendary Private Car has all of the services you may need on display, at very convenient prices. Plus, their cars are spectacular which will definitely take some stress off of your to-dos for the day. Another convenience? Booking a black car with them is super easy. So, next time you start sweating about doing it all, consider Legendary as your life savior. Hey, they’ve even got their own Limo App, to make the booking process easier!

Create a “Done” List

Whether you are a fan of a classic paper-and-pen to-do list or a to-do app, creating a “done” list will give you a beautiful sense of accomplishment. Not many to-do list apps have this feature though, so you may want to grab that planner out, after all. If that’s too old-fashioned for your forward-thinking, busy life, a mental “done” list or one noted in a Notepad on your phone should do, too.

Legendary Private Car is Chicago’s finest limousine and black car service, making Chicagoans lives and the lives of their visitors easier, smoother and definitely more elevated. Give us a ring when you want the best limo treatment in the Windy City!